About Me

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I'm Shelly, a nature-worshipper, animal lover, mom, yogini, and adventure-seeker living in the great Northwest US! I share my life with an amazingly strong, kind man and a beautiful, compassionate and hilarious daughter. In 2009, we embarked on a new path of veganism, and are eating so many delicious, healthy foods, feeling great and finding the transition to be easy, exciting and fun! We also have the wanderlust! So this blog will include our journeys around the world!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rodeo is hell for the animals!

Imagine this: a person jumps onto your back and then proceeds to snap a cord around your groin as tight as physically possible, or jab sharp metal objects into your sides, or kick or whip or beat you, maybe even electric-shock you, maybe even all of these things. When you try and run away, your head is jerked around by a rope around your face, or a bar of metal in your mouth, or a noose around your neck. There may be much shouting all around, and the more you try and get away, the more often the ordeal is repeated...Or, imagine this: you are a little toddler, still young enough to want to drink your mama's milk. You are taken from her and one day you are suddenly being chased by a huge horse. You run, and are suddenly jerked off your feet by a noose around your neck. Just as soon as you get to your feet, you are thrown down to the ground again, and your legs tied. This happens day after day, again and again sometimes. Sound like a horror show? It's called RODEO. I can't believe I used to take part in this horribly cruel shit.

I hate rodeos! I don't know why people think it's OK to abuse animals--horses and cows are very gentle creatures--until they are tortured into a frightened frenzy.

Please, just think about this! And don't support rodeos!! And if you go to them, or participate in them because you love to be around horses and cowboys (my old reasons)...Well, there are lots of humane and beautiful ways to be around cows and horses and even cowboys! Support or start an animal sanctuary! Go volunteer to brush, exercise, feed or clean stalls at a stable. Whip up some delicious vegan pancakes or pie and serve it at the local country diner with hot coffee...in your sexy jeans and a tight t-shirt... I don't know! Whatever, just please think about how an animal must feel in these situations and then decide if it's worth supporting the suffering to another being for "entertainment."

Whew, hope I can sleep now. I just had to get that out!

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