About Me

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I'm Shelly, a nature-worshipper, animal lover, mom, yogini, and adventure-seeker living in the great Northwest US! I share my life with an amazingly strong, kind man and a beautiful, compassionate and hilarious daughter. In 2009, we embarked on a new path of veganism, and are eating so many delicious, healthy foods, feeling great and finding the transition to be easy, exciting and fun! We also have the wanderlust! So this blog will include our journeys around the world!

Friday, June 25, 2010

First journal post

Yesterday was a good day (it is now 12:31 AM so technically tomorrow). This is my first post, so I should make it profound...but I am tired! So here we go...

It was one of the days I live for, really. Jossy and I went to visit Nana and had alot of fun: first we went for a walk outside of her apartment at the new assisted living facility and sat in the sunshine in the pergola by the garden and chatted and laughed at Jossy. Then we had lunch in the cafeteria and I had meat for the first time since Thanksgiving! It was turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy and Jossy and I were very hungry, they had no vegan options, and it was very, very satisfying! I felt some guilt after, only because I truly believe that for things to change from factory farming, we vegans (wannabe vegans?) have to start letting it known that we really want some good non-animal product options in every situation. Today I really felt we needed the nourishment...and it was fun to eat mashed potatoes with Nana! So not too much guilt really.

Anyway...After that we came home to a clean house, the cleaners were here today and it is my favorite day when my house is clean for 5 minutes! Jamison was home early after finishing a huge RFP that he has been busting his ass on for weeks! I worked on some potty training with Jossy (me reading to her while she sits on the potty) and she went pee pee in her potty and got a prize! (a pretty rhinestone flower for her toenail).

Then we went to a yummy vegan dinner at the Shangra La Tea House, and Jossy loved the food and the live music! She clapped and cheered them on! :)

After that, on to PetSmart where the cat litter and dog treats were on sale!...then Target where we found some cute training pants and Sesame Street underpants AND an Elmo that sings the alphabet, AND we bought the wii game "Dance Revolution"!!! To top it off, when we came outside it smelled of fresh rain and we saw a huge double rainbow.
To top it all off, Jossy went right to sleep after I promised her a surprise in the morning if she didn't have to "Go Potty!" after we got in bed (she typically does this several times at nap and bed time lately and it's getting ridiculous).
I got a hot shower, my first post in our new family blog is done...time for sleepy at last. :) Thank you God, for our wonderful life.

1 comment:

  1. I just re-read this post from almost a year ago, and have to comment about eating the turkey and mashed potatoes: there's no way I would eat that turkey now! I think it would make me sick. And I have found so many other plant food that are nourishing to me now, so I know I wouldn't ever feel I "needed" it. The only animal products we have eaten since last summer are some cod on the Oregon Coast (which didn't taste as great as I had anticipated) and we occasionally get cage-free eggs. Once we had some eggs from a restaurant that were commercial, and I felt pretty bad about it. They didn't taste all that great either! Jossy likes eggs though, and although I think it comes from all the egg promoting commercials from the egg council on her kiddie shows, we will sometimes get them if we are quite sure they came from happy, healthy chickens! My friend Darcy, a fellow almost-vegan has two chickens and has promised us some eggs whenever they get surplus.
